Week 6 – Get Out of my Head


This week we begin shifting from our own personal organization systems to one carefully curated by other people.

Above, we see my previous organizational system, whose perfect synergy is the product of 30 years of careful research and development.

Below we see the future:


To compare the two systems is probably a little unfair to both of them. For example, the future is much more streamlined, and doesn’t include a black hole. However, the past was much cuter and more colorful.

All jokes aside, I am looking forward to giving this a shot. I’m digging GTD (Getting Things Done for the uninitiated), and am optimistic towards Nozbe. I have noticed an immediate difference in my productivity when I started writing things down – even before GTD when we were just writing our goals. My mind has not settled settled into this “not thinking about it because I wrote it down” thing yet, but I’ll give it some time.

The actual process has been rather difficult, because I have tasks scattered across a lot of systems, and I can’t divorce all of them. It remains a question for me why TLH uses so many different systems. With info scattered across Grail, Sugar, The Way, Outlook, Office Online, Dropbox, the old Intranet, Confluence, Slack, M:, O:, Kayako, and god knows what else, I feel a little bit like I’m just adding Nozbe and Evernote to this list. I’ve gotten behind in Unstoppable this week, mostly because the idea of trying to merge the tasks from these systems with various personal stuff seemed like it might require me taking some PTO just to get it done. I’ve settled for tossing most of the personal stuff in Nozbe, and adding the work items that don’t live in one of the mandatory systems. I will work more to adjust and start using the integration with Outlook from here.

Overall verdict so far: somewhat more productive, slightly intimidated, cautiously optimistic, and largely perplexed.

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